Annual giving
Fund for White Plains Hospital
Gifts to the Fund for White Plains Hospital provide unrestricted support for a variety of wide-ranging programs, services, state-of-the art equipment and technology. These gifts are needed most to support the day-to-day work of the Hospital.
Honor/memorial gifts
Making a gift in memory or honor of a loved one is a great way to pay tribute to that individual and recognize the special care he or she may have received from a nurse or doctor. Contributions can celebrate any occasion including birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and holidays.
White Plains Hospital gratefully accepts honor and memorial gifts and treats each gift with individualized attention. When the Hospital receives an honor or memorial gift, a special letter is sent to the person identified by the donor. The amount of the contribution is never revealed. The donor also receives a letter of acknowledgment.
Gifts of securities
White Plains Hospital gratefully accepts gifts of appreciated securities. By giving securities, you can maximize the size of your charitable gifts, conserve cash you would have given and enjoy multiple tax benefits.
Your charitable tax deduction is based on the appreciated value of your stock, as long as you have held the stock for at least 12 months and one day. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on gifts of stock to the Hospital. A gift of closely held stock will give you the same advantages.
Securities Transfer Procedure
WPH Account No.: 501115985
DTC No.: 0015
Tax ID No.: 13-1740130
Firm: Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Stock Broker: Ed Thomasco
Telephone: 800.321.1024
To properly process your gift, please contact the Hospital Foundation office via mail, e-mail, fax or phone indicating:
- Your name and address.
- Number of shares donated.
- Date of donation.
- Purpose (unrestricted gift or specific program).
- Name of securities.
Matching gifts
You may be able to double your support through your employer’s matching gift program. Matching gifts are an excellent way to send a powerful message to the local community that your organization or company cares about White Plains Hospital.
Follow these three easy steps to match your gift
Step 1: Once you make a donation to White Plains Hospital, search our database to see if your company offers a matching gift program and follow the instructions.
Step 2: If you can’t find your company through our search tool, check with your human resources department to find out if your company offers a matching gift program for White Plains Hospital, or email our team at
Step 3: Send the completed forms to us or submit the necessary information through your company’s portal (if available).
Foundation Office
White Plains Hospital
41 East Post Road
White Plains, NY 10601
Planned gifts
Like so many, you may be wondering, "What exactly is planned giving?" Planned giving is simply a way to integrate your personal, financial and estate planning aspirations. The right planned gift may even give you the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to White Plains Hospital while providing you with tax and income benefits. Discover the many ways you could possibly benefit from planned giving.