Featured Health Tools
Health Tools
- 4 signs you may need a new hip
- 4 signs you might have carpal tunnel syndrome
- 5 facts about the common cold
- 5 important facts about prediabetes
- 5 key facts about flu vaccines
- 5 nutrients vegetarians need
- 5 steps to clean hands
- 5 warning signs of peripheral artery disease
- 5 ways to get to doctor's visits
- 5 ways to improve your mood
- 6 ways to avoid cancer
- 7 great reasons to walk out your door
- 7 keys
to healthy aging - 7 warning signs
of heart failure - 7 ways to ease gas and bloating
- 8 mammogram
facts to know - 8 ways to ease anxiety
- 9 aging myths
- 9 ways to take
charge of
your blood
pressure - Anatomy of the back
- Anatomy of the heart
- Are you
your diet? - Avoid complications after hip replacement
- Avoid holiday fires
- Avoiding illness at school
- Backpack basics
- Balance exercise: Standing leg lifts
- Balance exercises
- Bathroom fall prevention
- Benefits of quitting smoking
- Bicycle safety tips
- Build a better bond with your child
- Cardiac rehabilitation
and facts - Causes of neck pain
- Cervical cancer
prevention - Choosing and
storing fruit - Cold or flu?
- Cold remedies
that work - Cold storage safety
- Colorectal cancer screening
- Cookout safety
- COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts
- Crib safety basics
- Crutches 101
- Depression in women
- Diabetes checkups and when to get them
- Diabetes complications in women
- Diabetes myths
- Diabetes superfoods
- Diabetes symptoms
- Diabetes: Coping with emotional challenges
- Diet and
cholesterol - Drinking to excess
- Eat better for your heart
- Egg safety
- Exercise facts and myths
- Exercising with arthritis
- Fire safety at home
- First aid essentials. How to make a kit fit for first aid
- Flu infection facts
- Food and your mood
- Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- Foot health problems
- Garden safety
- Get fit 10 minutes at a time
- Getting active again after joint replacement
- Good sources of calcium
- Health wisdom or hoax?
- Healthy habits after breast cancer
- Healthy shopping on a budget
- Heart attack symptoms
- Heart risks you can change
- Heart valve
An overview - Heartburn triggers. Can you avoid the burn?
- Hip arthritis: 6 effective treatments
- Hip replacement surgery myths and facts
- How alcohol damages
your body - How diabetes damages the body
- How high blood pressure damages the body
- How much activity do kids need?
- How the flu spreads
- How to be a better listener
- How to build a healthy family dynamic
- How to build social bonds
- How to care for aging skin
- How to choose and store vegetables
- How to control asthma triggers
- How to get the most from a doctor's visit
- How to keep bones healthy for life
- How to picture proper portions
- How to practice mindful eating
- How to prevent diabetes foot ulcers
- How to prevent infections during chemotherapy
- How to prevent low back pain
- How to read a supplement label
- How to remove a tick
- How to set up a sickroom
- How to shake
the salt habit - How to spot COPD flare-ups
- How to support kids during difficult times
- How to support someone at a medical visit
- How to support
your immune
system - How to test your blood sugar
- How to use a peak flow meter
- Imaging and radiation facts and myths
- Keep track of your medical information
- Know your fats
- Leaving the hospital: 5 ways to get ready
- Life expectancy at birth
- Living well with kidney disease
- Living with a pacemaker or ICD
- Making smart
calorie cuts - Mammograms:
Steps to success - Manage stress at work
- Mental health:
Tips for
talking with
your provider - Migraine facts and myths
- Mix your own mocktails
- Monitoring heart failure
- Noninvasive
heart tests - Nonsurgical
for back pain - Opioid myths and facts
- Pick your produce
- Poison prevention
- Portion sizing
- Pregnancy and sleep problems
- Pregnancy: How baby develops
- Reap the benefits of family meals
- Reduce your risk
of falling - Reduce your risk of blood clots after surgery
- Safety musts when giving medicine to babies
- Say good night to screens for better sleep
- Screening tests for women
- Signs of lung disease
- Skin cancer signs
- Sleep needs
- Sleep safety for baby
- Smart medicine strategies
- Smart snacking
- Smoking in America
- Smoking
and the body - Stress hurts:
This is your
body under
pressure - Stroke warning signs
- Summer food safety on the go
- Sun safety
- Surprising sources of fiber
- Telehealth: Tips for a great video visit
- The downside of delaying arthritis treatment
- The sun and your skin
- The types of cholesterol
- This mold house
- Tip-over prevention
- Treating sports injuries
- Types of bariatric surgery
- Understanding
herd immunity - Using car seats safely
- Volunteering and your health
- Weight-loss do’s and don’ts
- What to do when cancer ruins your appetite
- What to expect from your new hip
- What vaccines does your child need?
- What your pee color means
- What's in cigarette smoke?
- What
an asthma
attack - While you were sleeping
- Why choose water
- Why we gain weight
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